1,Brief introduction of the rice bran oil making machine:
There are three parts in the rice bran oil making process, pretreatment, leaching (extracting)and refining.In this rice bran oil making process,cooking oil pressmachine,cooking oil extraction machine and cooking oil refining machine are necessary.
2.Introduction of making rice bran oil method:
Press section of rice bran oil making machine:
cleaning and separating----puffing----press----filter----crude oil----refining----refined oil
(suitable for small scale rice bran oil production)

Solvent extraction method:
cleaning----expanding----drying----extractor----mixed oil with solvent---- miscella evaporation ----steam stripping----crude oil----refining----refined oil
this method includes the four process of solvent extraction, wet meal desolventizing, miscella evaporation,solvent recovery

Introduction of the refining process:
crude oil----filter----degumming----deacidification----decoloring----filter----deodoring----dewaxing----defat----first grade oil

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